Monday, November 1, 2010

Day of the Dead

Our international cooking group through our host Atma really educated our cooking group a few nights ago with a Day of the Dead celebration showing everyone how important family and tradition is. Remembering beloved deceased members by visiting their graves and creating special dishes that they loved is what many cultures do to celebrate this occasion and enjoy this joyous event.

We usually do not celebrate this festive event in Hawaii compared to Halloween. But this event was a wonderful experience to really celebrate the origins of Halloween and understand both the pagan and christian beliefs that have lead to the actual events we know today as the Day of the Dead, the end of summer solstice, All Saints Day and our well celebrated Halloween all wrapped up into these various celebrations.

Our version included dishes we made in honor of some special in our lives and each made a tribute to that person and what this dish signified. It was a very symbolic and wonderful evening, something really experienced to the best intent of what this holiday signified and that is our Ohana or family.

Toss in the odd ball but fun mummy wrapping contest and it really brought out the about a strange tribute to our ancestors.  You can tell this was not a very serious event most of the time.

 Whats a celebration with out loud drumming and a wonderful bonfire to do some wild dancing and burning out the rubbish.

Atma made a special alter so we can bring photos of our relatives or friends and do a nice tribute to them, typical of what latin based celebrants do in their respective cultures in honoring the dead.

A more A-typical celebration to end our evening is the fire spinning display from one of our hosts, its was truly exciting to see in the dark!

This is my contribution to My World Tuesdays, to visit other views of the world go to


  1. That looks like a fun way of learning about new traditions.

  2. Oh, I agree with Ladyfi, it does indeed look like a fun way of learning about new traditions! And good food , too! Doesn't get any better! Hope you have a great week, Noel!


  3. What an interesting concept and such an interesting way to bring people who have passed into the present. People who have died live in the hearts and minds of loved ones.

  4. Great post about a fantastic way to remember friends and relatives who have died.

  5. Great post and thanks for sharing the Day of the Dead celebration. It is intersting learning different traditions. The photos were awesome.

  6. Love does negate time and distance.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens

  7. This is new to me, so well presented with pictures.

  8. That is some serious celebrating of the day of the dead! Love that first photo of the fire dancing.


  9. Now THIS is the way to celebrate Halloween!!!
    Great shots!!

  10. You did make a great feast of it. I like your cooking circle, like an old fashioned sewing circle turned into a party with a serious undertone.Feasts are there to be celebrated and you certainly did that.

  11. It is always so interesting to learn of different celebrations in other cultures. I remember visiting a cemetery in Hawaii a few years back, and seeing a lady and her family visiting a grave. They were having a picnic near their loved ones tombstone. I thought it was very touching and a wonderful way of remembering the departed.

  12. Great all sure know how to party! I especially liked the fire spinning pictures.

  13. Oops, my comment disappeared. What a great idea, celebrating our loved ones, now passed on. I'd like to share this link in an upcoming post over at Happy Break, if you don't mind? I miss so many people, I'm sure they would have loved this idea, their lives continuing to be celebrated!


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