Showing posts with label Words That Inspire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Words That Inspire. Show all posts

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Words That Inspire #5

 "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in". Morrie Schwartz


When I think of these words, I see this manifested everyday here in Hawaii. One of those kindred spirits is Rose Acevedo who is a board member of the Sierra Club. Here's what she's up to feed our local food bank in Hawaii.

Pepsi Co. Refresh Project is offering a million dollars every month for great ideas that support local communities.

My idea, FRUITBUSTERS, to help feed the hungry in East Hawaii was approved by Pepsi on May 1st.  The goal of FRUITBUSTERS is to develop a small crew who will rescue all the ripe fruit from trees whose owners can’t do their own picking.  This abundance of fruit will then be donated to food banks and meal programs in our area.

We need your support, so please log on below to vote. Everyone who registers can vote EVERY DAY until May 31. 
hank you for your vote,

Rose Acevedo
Picking fruit, that would otherwise just fall to the ground and go uneaten, and donating to our local Foodbank  is a wonderful idea.  Please help us by voting for this project below.


Okay you have the words, now let inspiration guide you and we look forward to seeing your interpretation Here's the link tool below to add your URL address and name/city

I will be on the mainland in June so Words That Inspire will be on hold.

To view other memorial inspirations go to

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Words That Inspire #4

"Instant gratification takes too long". Carrie Fisher

We live in a society that seems to demand everything and wants everything now. In America the material life seems to be an inherent part of who we are and how we live. You know I used to feel that way when I lived in the mainland, but things did change dramatically when I went to Hawaii and had to downsize alot of the material possesions and also downsize ideas about living with things and conveniences around me.

Now, I find that living simply in Hawaii is a better way to live and to enjoy things happening in their sweet time.

I love seeing flowers take the time to bud and surprise me with the blooms finally unfolding.

I love to get fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables from the garden and come up with creative dishes.

Taking the time to enjoy simple things like driving to the ocean and watching a sunrise is my way of connecting to nature and enjoying the moment.

Seeing a world of green instead of concrete and highways gives me peace of mind and spirit.

Our last quote  for May

May 28 - "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in". Morrie Schwartz

I will be on the mainland in June so Words That Inspire will be on hold.

Okay you have the words, now let inspiration guide you and we look forward to seeing your interpretation Here's the link tool below to add your URL address and name/city

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Words That Inspire #3

"Nothing purchased can come close to the renewed sense of gratitude for having family and friends"
Courtland Milloy

Being separated 3,000 miles from most of my family in the mainland is difficult and sometimes I do miss having my old friends and family close by to visit and share some time with.

In Hawaii we have our own version of family we call our Ohana ( a non-familial extended family) these become our adopted family of friends who live on the island and we spend most of our time socializing with our Ohana family.

Most of our gatherings are always focused on food activities, in fact my ohana is part of the Big Island International Cooking group and we always put together amazing dinner parties.

There's always plenty of delicious dishes and something new to try. How would you like to join us for some of these meals?

Or how about something sweet like these?

I am blessed to see that I also do have a wonderful Ohana here in East Hawaii and life is very special here...thank you my ohana.

To view other beautiful interpretations of this quote, please visit some of the links below or join me to interpret your version of this quote.

 Next week's quote is:

May 21 - "Instant gratification takes too long". Carrie Fisher

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sunrise along the Puna Shoreline

"The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.” John Muir

This is my sunrise interpretation of this beautiful quote.

To see some other beautiful interpretations go visit

To see other skies this friday go visit


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Words That Inspire #1

"Touch the sky, look the sun straight in the eye and laugh." Linda Ellerbee ?

Do you love quotes, famous words or poetry in your posts? If so how about joining us for a new weekly challenge every friday. This word challenge can be interpreted through a photo, or words or a combination of both that you would like to share. I think just interpreting these quotes or poems in to your place and time is what we would love to see in your post.

That’s it, are you ready for the challenge?  Here are the quotes or words for all of next month

May 7 -  "The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”  John Muir

May 14 - "Nothing purchased can come close to the renewed sense of gratitude for having family and friends" Courtland Milloy

May 21 - "Instant gratification takes too long". Carrie Fisher

May 28 - "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in". Morrie Schwartz

Oh yes... there’s only a few instructions if you would kindly follow to participate:

1) Please Include the quote or poem at the start of your post or on the title so we (your readers) can find it easily.

2) You can use any photos old or new, or written thoughts may work with this month’s theme.

3) Please kindly link back to this meme for others to enjoy different interpretations of the theme.

4) Use the linky tool to place your URL and name at the end of the weekly post

5) Be creative as you can!

Okay you have the words, now let inspiration guide you and we look forward to seeing your interpretation Here's the link tool below to add your URL address and name/city

Touch the Sky, Look the Sun Straight in the Eye and Laugh

"Touch the sky, look the sun straight in the eye and laugh." Linda Ellerbee

When I look up to the sky on a sunny but cloudy day, you could almost touch all the clouds here in Hawaii. So soft and dreamy.

And in the morning when I wake up early to see the sun rise, I can actually look at the glowing red globe as it makes its morning arch from the horizon drawing straight up to the sky...greeting the earth below in our tropical gardens.

Yes, I love living here,  I laugh at the sky and the sun all by myself this morning, life is good today.

To view other posts with Words that Inspire go see

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A New Addiction - Words that Inspire

Are you addicted to memes?
Do you love quotes, famous words or poetry in your posts? If so how about joining us for a new weekly challenge every friday. This word challenge can be interpreted through a photo, or words or a combination of both that you would like to share. I think just interpreting these quotes or poems in to your place and time is what we would love to see in your post.

That’s it, are you ready for the challenge?  Here are the quotes or words for all of next month

April 30 - "Touch the sky, look the sun straight in the eye and laugh." Linda Ellerbee

May 7 -  "The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round earth rolls.”  John Muir

May 14 - "Nothing purchased can come close to the renewed sense of gratitude for having family and friends" Courtland Milloy

May 21 - "Instant gratification takes too long". Carrie Fisher
May 28 - "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in". Morrie Schwartz

Oh yes... there’s only a few instructions if you would kindly follow to participate:

1) Please Include the quote or poem at the start of your post or on the title so we (your readers) can find it easily.

2) You can use any photos old or new, or written thoughts may work with this month’s theme.

3) Please kindly link back to this meme for others to enjoy different interpretations of the theme.

4) Use the linky tool to place your URL and name at the end of the weekly post

5) Be creative as you can!

Okay you have the words, now let inspiration guide you and we look forward to seeing your interpretation next Friday, April 30th.

To see other addition posts go and visit

To see other skywatch posts go and visit
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